jueves, 10 de julio de 2008

That's why I love these guys...

Ayer se publicó en "The Sun", una "declaración"(que palabra tan de pinche-noticiero-chaquetero-hablo-toda-la-semana-del-Noticias-Divinas) que hizo Noelito Gallagher a BBC 6 Music, acerca del lanzamiento del (al menos por mí) esperadísimo "Dig Out Your Soul", nuevo CD de Oasis... Por cuestiones de "que no se pierda el encanto" del de Manchester en la traducción, lo reproduzco fielmente:

NOEL GALLAGHER says OASIS will never copy the pay-what-you-like method RADIOHEAD used to sell last album In Rainbows: But speaking on BBC 6 Music, Noel said of Radiohead’s tactic: “It’s not our bag. I didn’t spend a year in the most expensive studio in England, with the most expensive producer in America and the most expensive graphic designer in London, to then give it away... Fuck that!

“It just looked like a way of getting lots of marketing for free. But good for them. They’re rebels.”
PD Noticias Divinas = News Divine

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